(1991, LT Films/Bryan Jenner Entertainment Industries)

An echo of Kevin's existence appears,
to try and accomplish something Kevin never got to do -- graduate!
Only a teen-aged boy and a private detective can stop him,
because graduation for Kevin would give him powers beyond belief.

Running Length - 103 minutes

Number of victims: 19

Kevin Markson played by: Blaise Travis, Terry Ramsay and Mark Boody

Alternate script for My School 8      Script Re-writes for My School 8

Production Details

My School 8 was a more serious film. The previous ones had been comedies, and we wanted to see if we could create something which would actually frighten the audience. I let Bryan Jenner have full creative control on this one (because I had total plans for part 9...) He created a story styled after detective novels of the thirties and fourties. The main character was a sort of trenchcoat detective. His sidekick was a teenaged kid, who turned out to be the brother of Carol from the previous film..

The beginning of My School 8 set the story in motion with the death of Carol. She had been lone survivor of My School 7. But she is quickly slaughtered by Kevin. Kevin wasn't himself in this movie -- more of an invisible spirit. His goal in this film was to graduate. But in order to do so, he needed a physical body. As the movie progresses, he collects body parts off different victims, and sews them together; to became an almost frankenstein-like creation. The detective and his companion slowly unwravel the mystery of what Kevin is doing. By the time they catch up with Kevin, his graduation ceremony has already begun... The Doom Bear makes an appearance too, but has limited powers after the beating he received in My School 7. My School 8 did not turn out as well as I would have liked. The special effects did not work particularly well, and we failed to generate the feeling of suspense we so desperately wanted.