Carl Junior is in the living room with Eugene. The dead foster parents are in the background. It is on Christmas morning, after the end scene of My School 9. Carl Junior holds Eugene.

Carl Junior (Virgilish) - I think I'll call you Eugene.

Eugene (squeaky, as usual) - That is good. I will be your teacher.

**********************************************************************************************Insert scene. Cathy sees the University Janitor and has a fantasy about the two of them, running towards each other in a field. Slow motion. Happy music is playing. (Beauty and the Beast music?) When they are just about to embrace each other, something scary happens. Suddenly cut to Eugene.

Eugene - We didn't really want to disgust you!

Cathy is jolted out of her fantasy, and returns to the hallway.

**********************************************************************************************My School X trailer after My School 9. Make sure no scenes of Flower Power or Doctor Fallow are shown. We want to give viewers the feeling that they are watching the wrong movie for the first 15-20 minutes of My School X.


Opening line at the beginning of the Christmas party scene in My School 9.

Person 3 - What happened in this house anyways?

Person 1 - All I know is some guy went nutzo and killed his whole family.


Students 1 and 5 run into the Janitor on their way out of the University, and he gives them a grave warning. "You're doomed!"


Teddy in dream. With wine glass: "A toast to Kevin's death!"

All slimed up from hole: "Daddy said you're a bad boy!"


Promo for My School X will tell a little story

Eugene training Carl Junior to destroy Kevin

Similar to Yoda training Luke in The Empire Strikes Back


Kevin and Principal Newman. Interesting conversation. Chase scene.


Kevin looking for Eugene in the school. Stupid bear puppet appears, claiming to be Eugene. Different look. Different voice. "You're not Eugene; you're an imposter!" Kevin rips off the puppet's head. It screams and dies. Foam spray.
